Interesting what you find while cleaning up the favourites in your PC, a little bookmark labelled as blog, hmmm to be honest i forgot i had one. So this is round two on an attempt to keep this updated.
So what have i been up to?? Not much really apart from living in the moment, day to day with my kids who just happen to be getting bigger by the minute. I've also refound my sewing mojo so have been on the machines everyday pumping ou mainly swap gifts but every now and again something for my kids too.
Here's a couple of pics of recent finished items.
So what have i been up to?? Not much really apart from living in the moment, day to day with my kids who just happen to be getting bigger by the minute. I've also refound my sewing mojo so have been on the machines everyday pumping ou mainly swap gifts but every now and again something for my kids too.
Here's a couple of pics of recent finished items.